
Add Reserve In-Store using JavaScript

Follow these simple steps to add Reserve In-Store to your website using JavaScript. 

To get started, Signup to Brauz Command Free and setup your Reserve In-Store experience, then follow the below steps to add ReserveIn-Store to your website. 

Note: The examples below are fordemonstration purpose only. You will need to generate your unique script from BrauzCommand.
  1. Get your JavaScript url from the JavaScript SDKpage in Brauz Command
  2. You’ll need your group number from the JavaScript SDKpage in Brauz Command
  3. Copy and paste below code on your website Header Section
Note: Depending on your website platform this framework can vary. Usually there will be a template or master page which contains code that appears on every page on your website. (Get in touch here, if you would like some help)
4.    Add script to the ‘Body’ section of your website template
Done! Reserve In-Store will now appear on the product pages of your website. 

See example below
If you would like to customise your Reserve In-Store experience further, try our developer hacks below:

Make Reserve In-Store appear based on stock

To use this hack you’ll need to have:
You have 2 option to make Reserve In-Store appear based on stock:
1.    Make Reserve In-Store appearbased on Stock Quantity (recommended)
Enter the ‘greater than’ stock quantity number into the below script.
 2.    Make Reserve In-Store appear based on your Stock Indicator
Enter the stock indicator/s into the below script.
If you would like to customise your Reserve In-Store experience further, try our developer hacks below:

Make Reserve In-Store appear based on price

To use this hack you’ll need to have:

Use this hack if you would like to make Reserve In-Store appear on products based on price. 

For example, make Reserve In-Store appear for products over $50 

Enter the ‘greater than’ price into the script.

Done! For more hacks, follow the links below:
Exclude Sale Items from Reserve In-Store

To use this hack you’ll need to have

Use this hack if you would like to exclude sale items from Reserve In-Store 

Enter the below script to only show Reserve In-Store if original price equals sale price

Done! For more hacks, follow the links below:
Use REST API’s to connect your Reserve In-Store form

To get started, Signup to Brauz Command Free and setup your Reserve In-Store experience, then follow the below steps to add our ReservationREST API to your Reserve In-Store form. 

Note: The examples below are for demonstration purpose only. You will find your Reservation REST API in Brauz Command

To use our Reservation REST API, you will need to have built your own reservation form on your website template.  

Send your reservation payload using our Reservation REST API found in the setup section of Brauz Command

Example submit button in reservation form

The below is to be used for test purposes only, you can copy the Reservation REST API from Brauz Command.
API Parameters
Product Attribute Parameters
Request JSON Payload Example
Done! Your Reserve In-Store form is now ready to send reservations to Brauz iQ
Use Store Activation REST API with your ‘Find Stores’ feature

To get started, Signup to Brauz Command Free and set up your Reserve In-Store experience. 

To use our Store Activation REST API within your ‘find stores’ feature, you must have

Note: The examples below are for demonstration purpose only.
Validate your store list using our Store Activation API found in the setup section of Brauz Command
Example store list in your ‘find stores’ feature
The Store Activation API cross references your Store ID’s with activated store accounts. This ensures stores are active and enables Reserve In-Store button.
The below is to be used for test purposes only, you can copy your Store Activation API from Brauz Command. 

Test API Link
API Parameters
Done! Your Reserve In-Store form is now ready to send reservations to Brauz iQ